July 28, 2015

What Makes Accounts Software A Good Investment?

Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) have a wide choice when it comes to accounts software, from desktop packages to cloud-based offerings. The question now is whether or not purchasing accounts software is a good investment for an SME.

July 01, 2015

How a Simple Accounting Software Can Help You Analyse Your Metrics

The biggest mistake that a small or starting business can make is not knowing how to assess their business performance. Earning is more than just comparing your debits and credits; business owners should also know how to keep track of their growth, investments, and customers. Sounds difficult? Don’t worry you don’t need to hire an accountant, or a marketing expert to know these things, in fact all you need is simple accounting software and an updated tally of your monthly performance. Customer Acquisition Cost You can work this out within accounts software for small business by simply dividing all your marketing and advertising expenses in a month by the number of new customers that you gained. With this you will be able to know how much money you spent to get one customer. Your goal in the long run is to keep your expenses as low as possible whilst gaining more customers.